The Charles Bronfman Prize accepts nominations in all areas of humanitarian work across a broad spectrum of disciplines. Past recipients have distinguished themselves through their work in the fields of environment, genetics, humanitarian relief, human rights, medical education, public education, the economy, and storytelling to convey values across cultures.
Candidates are presented for consideration by a Nominator with two supporting references. An internationally recognized panel of judges selects the Prize recipient(s) and bestows an award of $100,000 to be used at the recipient’s sole discretion.
Nominators from a wide variety of distinguished institutions around the world help to identify qualified candidates for the Prize. While most have pursued social impact through non-profit mechanisms, some Nominees have used other creative vehicles of change, such as B Corporations.
Nomination Timeline
The annual cycle of The Charles Bronfman Prize begins in the Spring with an internationally promoted “Call for Nominations” for the Prize. The evaluation process is conducted in three stages over the summer and fall, with a recipient announced in January.
Nominees are brought to the attention of the Prize by a nominating team that consists of a Nominator and two references. Nominees cannot self-nominate. The Nominator acts as the point of contact between the Prize and the Nominee during the nomination and evaluation process.
The “Call” remains open for roughly 12 weeks to allow nominating teams to adequately prepare their nominations. Please refer to the FAQ below for more details.
For the best indicator of the kind of Nominees we are seeking, visit the recipients page of the Prize website.
All complete nominations will be duly acknowledged by email to all members of the nominating team. The Nominee will be informed as well.
For additional information, please contact Paulette Light, Executive Director, at
Who Is Eligible?
We are looking for today’s Jewish heroes: next-generation leaders who have a vision for change that will significantly better the world, and who have created a mechanism for acting on that vision in ways that deliver measurable results. We evaluate that against the following criteria:
- Nominees must be individuals or teams, not organizations. Specifically, we are interested in those who created the vision on which the organization/endeavor is founded or took the vision to the next level.
- Nominees must not have reached their 50th birthday by the close of the nomination period. There are no exceptions to this date.
- Nominees must be next-generation leaders who have a vision for change that will better the world in a meaningful way.
- Nominees must have created a mechanism for acting on their vision in ways that deliver measurable results.
- Nominees have exhibited innovation, leadership, and impact in their chosen field.
- Nominees must self identify as Jewish, espousing Jewish values and demonstrating universal regard for humanity that will inspire and serve as a model for future generations.
How to Present Your Nominee:
All nominations must be submitted online. We will not ask you to print or send us anything unless we request additional information.
A nomination requires a nominator and two references along with a viable Nominee and information about them including their proof of age and resume. The Charles Bronfman Prize encourages Nominators to collaborate with their Nominee to present a strong, well-informed nomination. Only complete nominations will be considered.
- The Nominator will fill out the nomination form and should be someone who is well-acquainted with the candidate. While the nominator is the point of contact between the Prize and the nomination and must be available for possible follow-up inquiries throughout the selection process, the nominee will be asked to fill out a portion of the nomination as well.
- Nominators will enter the names and emails of (2) two references on the online nomination form. Those references will receive an email with a link to access the reference form. Once they have completed the form, the provider of the reference will submit the online form and their reference will be included as part of the nomination profile. The Nominator will be able to see the status of all references. When the two references are complete along with information from the nominee, the Nominator can submit the full nomination.
- Nominators and references can edit the forms through a unique link until the deadline. Only complete applications received by the deadline will be considered.
- The two references should come from colleagues both inside and outside the Nominee’s organization and be used as an opportunity to reflect upon the qualifications and global impact of the Nominee. Only two references will be accepted.
- Nominators and references must be someone other than the Nominee, or his/her family members.
- All documents must be in English. A signed translation is acceptable.
- We encourage the Nominator and references to provide a complete picture of the Nominee’s impact. To that end, most of our fields are not space contained.
- Nominators are responsible for entering the emails of the (2) two references as well as the nominee in order to give access to online reference forms, for monitoring the status of references and for submitting the complete nomination packet consisting of:
- Completed online nomination form
- Completed online reference forms
- Information from the nominee including uploaded Resume/Curriculum vitae.
- Proof of age will be asked for later. Nominees must be under 50 years of age by the close of the nomination period. A copy of a birth certificate, driver’s license or passport page is acceptable and will be required.
How to Submit Your Nomination
How to Submit Your Nomination Packet:
All materials must be submitted online without exception. Only complete nomination packets will be considered.
Nominations must be received no later than the close of business on the final day of the nomination period.
Nomination materials become the property of The Charles Bronfman Prize Foundation and will not be returned. Nominators and References grant to The Charles Bronfman Prize Foundation the right to copy, reprint, and quote or publish from nomination materials as part of its awards program or other public communication. Charles Bronfman and The Charles Bronfman Prize Foundation do not engage in lobbying or endorsement on behalf of Prize candidates or recipients.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does The Charles Bronfman Prize look for in Nominees?
The Charles Bronfman Prize seeks to honor today’s Jewish heroes: next-generation leaders under the age of 50 who have a vision for change that will better the world in a meaningful way, who have created a mechanism for acting on that vision and have delivered measurable results. Past recipients have distinguished themselves through their work in the environment, humanitarian relief, human rights, medical education, public education, criminal justice, storytelling and more.
Will the Prize accept nominations for those 50 years of age or older?
No. The Charles Bronfman Prize seeks to honor young humanitarian leaders and provide inspiration to the next generations. Therefore, Nominees should not have reached their 50th birthday by the closing date for nominations.
Does the Prize require nominees to be Jewish?
Yes. Since the core of this award is to celebrate a unique connection between Jewish values and humanitarian endeavors, Nominees should self-define as being Jewish.
Does the endeavor my Nominee has initiated need to be Jewish?
No. The Charles Bronfman Prize celebrates the intersection of Jewish values and universal humanitarian endeavors. While Nominees must identify as Jewish, their endeavors should be universal, contributing to the betterment of the world at large.
Can I nominate myself for the Prize?
No. All Nominees must be presented by a nominating team consisting of a Nominator and two additional References. Through their respective prisms, they can present you and your work most effectively against the selection criteria. The Nominator is the point of contact between the Prize, the Nominee and the nominating team during the nomination and evaluation process.
Can I submit more than two Letters of Reference on behalf of my Nominee?
No. Please submit only what is requested on the nomination form. In fairness to the cohort of Prize Nominees, only two Letters of Reference can be considered.
Do the nominators and references need to identify as Jewish?
Does the Prize consider late nominations?
No. All nominations must submitted by 5pm Pacific Time on the closing date for nominations and only complete nominations will be considered. Nominations move forward for consideration as a group, as soon as the nomination process closes. In fairness to the cohort of Prize Nominees, late or incomplete nominations will neither be considered nor acknowledged. We encourage Nominators to consider applying next year if they have missed this year’s deadline.
Will our nomination be acknowledged?
Yes. All complete nominations received by the announced deadline will be acknowledged by email, to all members of the nominating team, including the Nominee.
When will we know the outcome?
First round of nominations for the Prize will open in May. The Prize recipient will be announced in January.
Can we re-nominate our candidate?
Yes. A Nominee may be presented a maximum of three times in any given five-year period. We strongly advise that the nomination be updated so that The Prize can be made aware of the recent accomplishments of your Nominee.
Are there restrictions on The Prize money?
The Prize comes with a $100,000 award. The individual or individuals who receive The Prize have sole discretion as to how the funds will be used. Please note that The Prize is awarded to the individual or individuals not their organization.
For answers to additional questions or assistance with your nomination, please contact us by email.